❄️CHRISTMAS TOWN ASMR AMBIENCE | Cozy Winter Ambience With Relaxing Blizzard and Snowstorm Sounds
Welcome to the first winter ambience of the season! Christmas Town ASMR Ambience With Relaxing Blizzard and Snowstorm Sounds, Crunching Snow & Bells. I hope this video puts you in a cozy Christmas mood. It's time to decorate the house, choose presents, wrap up in warm plaids, socks and sweaters with reindeer, drink hot chocolate and watch your favorite Christmas movies. We need to make time to enjoy all these winter joys! And also visit the skating rink and make a snowman :) Let's get started!

I hope you enter winter with the most wonderful and festive mood! May all your dreams come true. And December will bring only the best to your life. See you again very soon :) Hugs and fives to everyone! 🤗✋

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Original photo by Bent Inge: https://www.flickr.com/photos/bent_inge/11383020456

Christmas playlist:

Winter playlist:

All my videos:

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.ru/involvingambience/
TikTok: https://tiktok.com/@involvingambience

P.S.: The best sound will be in headphones🎧

All graphics and audio materials were either created by me or have the appropriate permission and / or license to use. All the videos are my own original creation. Reuse of audio/video not permitted.

#ChristmasAmbience #ChristmasTown #Ambience #ASMRAmbience #Ambiance #WinterAmbience #WinterTown #CrunchingSnow #RelaxingBlizzard #SnowstormSounds
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