Patrick Ryan's No Fuss Sourdough Pizza
Patrick's pizza dough may take a little bit of forethought, but it really is a no-fuss, no-knead, ALL the flavour pizza base that you throw together, forget about for 24 hours, then make pizza magic with.

Sourdough starter and an extended first prove gives it great flavour, but just a small addition of yeast give the crust a soft and chewy texture once baked.

Patrick's using a 100% hydration sourdough starter in this recipe, and if you don't yet had a starter, it's a simple process and you can see just how to do it in Patrick's Sourdough Masterclass video.

Get full written recipe here

For a simple & delicious pizza sauce:
Season passata with salt & freshly ground black pepper then stir in a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil.
You can also add fresh basil, dried oregano or minced garlic.

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and tag us in your Patrick pizza masterpieces :)
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