#2 Volcano Filter Betta Aquarium - YES filter, NO CO2, NO Ferts 7.6 Gallon Tank Setup video of this tank : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EvS4JeYzew8

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/footheflowerhorn
Youtube Member: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3Kk8tvhHkWMMfKBb0q0X9g/join
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Merch: https://teespring.com/stores/foo-store

This was the most difficult tank I’ve ever setup b/c I had to choose only foreground and short plants that would do well without CO2 and without dosing fertilizers. The volcano filter is working surprisingly well even though it went through algae problems initially. There are still algae on it, but it has slowed quite a bit.

The shrimp and tetras were getting along fine and did very well. The reason I waited 10 days before adding a betta was to see if the tetras were all healthy before adding a betta. Feeding them live brine shrimp along with flakes really made them recover faster from being shipped and put into a new tank. Also, I didn’t want to put the betta in first, b/c if the betta established its territory first, he might go after the tetras a lot more.

Adding a betta into this mix is risky. He is a chirpy little fellow, and I’m a little worried about the shrimp, especially. He has tried to catch the tetras here and there, but soon realized that there is absolutely no chance of him catching one.

When I moved, I had to take the entire tank apart, and I did end up putting back the pump sponge that I had forgotten during the setup. The pump really needed the sponge b/c there were baby snails stuck in the intake.

I’m finally getting back into the swing of things. There were million things that needed to be done when I moved. I’ll probably try to upload more often soon.

There were literally maybe 3 or 4 duckweed when I first bought the azolla. Then the 3 or 4 duckweed became hundreds in no time. All of the azolla disappeared. The shrimp ate some for sure, but I also think allelopathy was part of it. Duckweed vs. azolla – duckweed wins, it seems.

Most of the expensive plants didn’t do well. Some were hanging on, but when I added the shrimp, the weak plants were all eaten.

The plants in this tank now:
Micro sword https://amzn.to/301YQHl – Barely hanging on after 3 months. Did not die, but stalled mostly.
Pygmy chain sword https://amzn.to/2HWhfyS - It stayed very short and small, but they have sent out a few runners here and there. It’s surviving.
Glosso https://amzn.to/2LFAVbn – Some didn’t make it, but some are also doing well. The ones that made it have sent out runners. It’s staying very small and low to the ground.
Java moss https://amzn.to/2N4uQsr – The ones on the rock are doing well. The ones below the water surface are also doing well
Staurogyne repens https://amzn.to/39SlurG – It’s doing pretty well. It is a slow grower it seems.
Ricciocarpos natans – It’s doing very well. It’s pretty much perfect. The shrimp do not mess with it mostly.

This is a Walstad Method tank. Check out her book in the link below if interested. The book I read to make this aquarium:
Ecology of the Planted Aquarium by Diana Walstad(Hard cover) http://amzn.to/2tB4xiZ
Ecology of the Planted Aquarium by Diana Walstad(digital) http://amzn.to/2svT0Sy

Dremel 3000 http://amzn.to/2C9t4Ad
561 Multipurpose Cutting Bit https://amzn.to/2vfSd7J

Polycarbonate Sheet 5mm https://amzn.to/36D1XcP

Cherry shrimp https://amzn.to/2FsObxB

This video was shot with: Camera: LG V10 https://amzn.to/2JrwD4C

Edited with Vegas Pro 15 https://amzn.to/2Hwu5C5

Erik Satie
Gymnopedie 1, 2, 3 played by Christophers787

Gnossienne No.2 played by jercarrier
Aquarium einrichten JUWEL Rio 180 / Tutorial Aquarium einrichten, JUWEL Aquarium, Rio 180

Einfache und nachvollziehbare Schritt für Schritt Anleitung zur Einrichtung des Rio 180 von JUWEL Aquarium. Eine detailliertere Beschreibung des Bepflanzungsplans finden Sie auf unserer Webseite: https://www.juwel-aquarium.de/Service/Einrichtungsbeispiele/

Folgende unserer Produkte fanden in diesem Tutorial ihren Einsatz:

Rückwand: https://www.juwel-aquarium.de/Produkte/Dekoration/Cliff-Dark/Rueckwand-Cliff-Dark/

Filtercover: https://www.juwel-aquarium.de/Produkte/Dekoration/Cliff-Dark/Filter-Cover-Cliff-Dark/

Kraftkleber: https://www.juwel-aquarium.de/Produkte/Dekoration/Verklebung/Conexo-Kraftkleber/

Als Untergrund für die Bepflanzung empfehlen wir die Verwendung von Black Soil und
Black Soil Powder.

Gewählte Fische:
• Rotrücken Skalar (lat. Pterophyllum cf. Scalare)
• Roter Neon (lat. Paracheirodon axelrodi)
• Amanogarnelen (lat. Caridina multidentata)
• Geweihschnecken (lat. Clithon)
• Ohrgitterwelse (lat. Otocinclus)


Aquarium set-up, JUWEL Aquarium, Rio 180

Simple step-by-step tutorial for set-up the JUWEL Rio 180 aquarium.
See the more detailed planting plan on our website: https://www.juwel-aquarium.de/en/Service/Set-up-examples/

We used following products in this tutorial:

Background: https://www.juwel-aquarium.de/en/Products/Decoration/Cliff-Dark/Cliff-Dark-Background/

Filter cover: https://www.juwel-aquarium.de/en/Products/Decoration/Cliff-Dark/Cliff-Dark-filter-cover/

Adhesive: https://www.juwel-aquarium.de/en/Products/Decoration/Bonding/Conexo-high-strength-adhesive/

We use Black Soil and Black Soil Powder for planting.

Chosen fish:
• Pterophyllum cf. Scalare
• Paracheirodon axelrodi
• Caridina multidentata
• Clithon
• Otocinclus
9 Months Update - (Saving Amano Larvae) NO filter, NO CO2, NO Ferts 5 Gallon Nano Tank This is 9 months update. The fish are called Sparkling or Pygmy gourami.
This was a crazy month. I lost my favorite shrimp of all time.

Breeding Amano:
Half of the water is tap water b/c I wanted to grow algae. Specifically brown diatoms. Top off and water changes were done using ro/di water. 10% water change every 3 days to remove surface protein.
I used hydrometer and thermometer in one to just check the fluctuation in salinity and the temperature in real time due to evaporation b/c the tank is so small.
Hydrometer/thermometer https://amzn.to/2LLV0jn

But real salinity is check with:
Refractometer (automatic temperature compensation) https://amzn.to/2LX76Fy

I don’t know why the larvae only lived for 19 days. Maybe the temps were too high 26~28°C (79~82°F). Or maybe the salinity was off. ~33ppt. Or the water quality wasn’t good since the tank was so small and relied only on algae for water quality. The light was 14W daylight color single T5 fluorescent left on for 18 hours day for one week, then 13 hours thereafter. I lightly fed them yeast and spirulina every few days, but mostly they were eating the diatoms.

Finding out male or female (sparkling gouramis):
It’s pretty straight forward. At certain angle and the light behind them with preferably light background color, the belly will be transparent. The female has long “organ” and the male doesn’t. Once you see it, you can’t unsee it. Video at 8:16

The gouramis only fight like this when they pair up and start to breed. They also seem to go after the shrimp when they breed. Usually they leave the shrimp alone.

Auto top off: Video at 4:30
Air hose connector https://amzn.to/2LTzVCX
Dremel 561 Multipurpose Cutting Bit https://amzn.to/2vfSd7J
Dremel 3000 http://amzn.to/2C9t4Ad

Torch that I used(This torch lasts forever.) http://amzn.to/2DVf772
Loctite 401 super glue (better than most super glue) http://amzn.to/2DfMkc9
Cheap heat gun with 4 nuzzles http://amzn.to/2BEgdTi
Acrylic cement https://amzn.to/2MaKZrF
Acrylic sheets https://amzn.to/2MN6ZKn
The bottle: (I just bought a drink from a store that had a neat looking bottle)

11 months update https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PsUkQGY8vR0
10 months update https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T8ZAWAVwlSU

8 months update https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OLh-4Tzc-2M

7 months update https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pyftwc1NLyU
6 months update https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rpi4CcHQHTg
5 months update https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dU5izzyxqeA
4 months update https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FtdkRe6VjSs
3 months update: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xut0YAvE8eQ
2 months update: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BBGcPGQvO9Y
The setup video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZvmGJuquuLE

NO filter, NO CO2, NO Ferts Planted Tank Series:

This is a Walstad Method tank. The credit goes to Diana Walstad for publishing the organic soil substrate method.

Check out her book in the link below if interested.
The book I read to make this aquarium:
Ecology of the Planted Aquarium by Diana Walstad(Hard cover) http://amzn.to/2tB4xiZ
Ecology of the Planted Aquarium by Diana Walstad(digital) http://amzn.to/2svT0Sy
4.6 gallon low iron rimless tank http://amzn.to/2yKTWST
5.4 gallon low iron rimless tank http://amzn.to/2y5YZeO
50W heater http://amzn.to/2tAQOsy
Heater cover so plants won't get burned http://amzn.to/2sw42ap
Tiny thermometer http://amzn.to/2tAwFmg
Magnetic thermometer https://amzn.to/2LRCrXd
(I'm using the tiny thermometer with a small rubber band to hold it in its place.)

Mini round shape magnet scrubber http://amzn.to/2zx6k8D
Miracle gro organic choice potting mix http://amzn.to/2tyHm9g
2~3mm gravel 20lb bag http://amzn.to/2gJ5tOl
2~3mm gravel 5lb bag http://amzn.to/2y3e3ih

Aquarium scissors http://amzn.to/2BXY1GW
Aquarium Tweezers http://amzn.to/2EWyAZe
TetraMin Flakes (gourami and shrimp food) http://amzn.to/2Gouypo

Daphnia eggs https://amzn.to/2IXY4Y2

Camera: LG v10 (manual mode) stock app https://amzn.to/2JrwD4C
Clip 3 in 1 lens photo kit. I used the macro lens for close up shots. http://amzn.to/2HPggiF

Vegas Pro 15 https://amzn.to/2Hwu5C5

The Best Growing Plants in this tank:
1. Ceratophyllum demersum (hornwort) https://amzn.to/2srT6HY
2. Duckweed https://amzn.to/2sl3G4p
3. Azolla imbricate (mosquito fern) https://amzn.to/2LapS8z
4. Najas Guadalupensis (guppy grass) https://amzn.to/2LLN8L8
5. Bacopa caroliniana https://amzn.to/2LIPFpj
6. Ludwigia Sp. Mini Super Red https://amzn.to/2J0SAfu

The rest:
Hemianthus glomeratus (pearl grass) https://amzn.to/2LIIPA5
Egeria densa (Anachris) https://amzn.to/2LJCUuO
Didiplis diandra https://amzn.to/2LJj4j2
Rotala rotundifolia (indica) https://amzn.to/2JbzLFF
Dwarf hairgrass https://amzn.to/2sjG2W1


Erik Satie
Gymnopedie no.1 (Harp arr.) played by Peter J
Gymnopedie 3,2,1: played by Kevin Macleod
9 Months Update - (Saving Amano Larvae) NO filter, NO CO2, NO Ferts 5 Gallon Nano Tank This is 9 months update. The fish are called Sparkling or Pygmy gourami.
This was a crazy month. I lost my favorite shrimp of all time.

Breeding Amano:
Half of the water is tap water b/c I wanted to grow algae. Specifically brown diatoms. Top off and water changes were done using ro/di water. 10% water change every 3 days to remove surface protein.
I used hydrometer and thermometer in one to just check the fluctuation in salinity and the temperature in real time due to evaporation b/c the tank is so small.
Hydrometer/thermometer https://amzn.to/2LLV0jn

But real salinity is check with:
Refractometer (automatic temperature compensation) https://amzn.to/2LX76Fy

I don’t know why the larvae only lived for 19 days. Maybe the temps were too high 26~28°C (79~82°F). Or maybe the salinity was off. ~33ppt. Or the water quality wasn’t good since the tank was so small and relied only on algae for water quality. The light was 14W daylight color single T5 fluorescent left on for 18 hours day for one week, then 13 hours thereafter. I lightly fed them yeast and spirulina every few days, but mostly they were eating the diatoms.

Finding out male or female (sparkling gouramis):
It’s pretty straight forward. At certain angle and the light behind them with preferably light background color, the belly will be transparent. The female has long “organ” and the male doesn’t. Once you see it, you can’t unsee it. Video at 8:16

The gouramis only fight like this when they pair up and start to breed. They also seem to go after the shrimp when they breed. Usually they leave the shrimp alone.

Auto top off: Video at 4:30
Air hose connector https://amzn.to/2LTzVCX
Dremel 561 Multipurpose Cutting Bit https://amzn.to/2vfSd7J
Dremel 3000 http://amzn.to/2C9t4Ad

Torch that I used(This torch lasts forever.) http://amzn.to/2DVf772
Loctite 401 super glue (better than most super glue) http://amzn.to/2DfMkc9
Cheap heat gun with 4 nuzzles http://amzn.to/2BEgdTi
Acrylic cement https://amzn.to/2MaKZrF
Acrylic sheets https://amzn.to/2MN6ZKn
The bottle: (I just bought a drink from a store that had a neat looking bottle)

11 months update https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PsUkQGY8vR0
10 months update https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T8ZAWAVwlSU

8 months update https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OLh-4Tzc-2M

7 months update https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pyftwc1NLyU
6 months update https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rpi4CcHQHTg
5 months update https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dU5izzyxqeA
4 months update https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FtdkRe6VjSs
3 months update: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xut0YAvE8eQ
2 months update: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BBGcPGQvO9Y
The setup video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZvmGJuquuLE

NO filter, NO CO2, NO Ferts Planted Tank Series:

This is a Walstad Method tank. The credit goes to Diana Walstad for publishing the organic soil substrate method.

Check out her book in the link below if interested.
The book I read to make this aquarium:
Ecology of the Planted Aquarium by Diana Walstad(Hard cover) http://amzn.to/2tB4xiZ
Ecology of the Planted Aquarium by Diana Walstad(digital) http://amzn.to/2svT0Sy
4.6 gallon low iron rimless tank http://amzn.to/2yKTWST
5.4 gallon low iron rimless tank http://amzn.to/2y5YZeO
50W heater http://amzn.to/2tAQOsy
Heater cover so plants won't get burned http://amzn.to/2sw42ap
Tiny thermometer http://amzn.to/2tAwFmg
Magnetic thermometer https://amzn.to/2LRCrXd
(I'm using the tiny thermometer with a small rubber band to hold it in its place.)

Mini round shape magnet scrubber http://amzn.to/2zx6k8D
Miracle gro organic choice potting mix http://amzn.to/2tyHm9g
2~3mm gravel 20lb bag http://amzn.to/2gJ5tOl
2~3mm gravel 5lb bag http://amzn.to/2y3e3ih

Aquarium scissors http://amzn.to/2BXY1GW
Aquarium Tweezers http://amzn.to/2EWyAZe
TetraMin Flakes (gourami and shrimp food) http://amzn.to/2Gouypo

Daphnia eggs https://amzn.to/2IXY4Y2

Camera: LG v10 (manual mode) stock app https://amzn.to/2JrwD4C
Clip 3 in 1 lens photo kit. I used the macro lens for close up shots. http://amzn.to/2HPggiF

Vegas Pro 15 https://amzn.to/2Hwu5C5

The Best Growing Plants in this tank:
1. Ceratophyllum demersum (hornwort) https://amzn.to/2srT6HY
2. Duckweed https://amzn.to/2sl3G4p
3. Azolla imbricate (mosquito fern) https://amzn.to/2LapS8z
4. Najas Guadalupensis (guppy grass) https://amzn.to/2LLN8L8
5. Bacopa caroliniana https://amzn.to/2LIPFpj
6. Ludwigia Sp. Mini Super Red https://amzn.to/2J0SAfu

The rest:
Hemianthus glomeratus (pearl grass) https://amzn.to/2LIIPA5
Egeria densa (Anachris) https://amzn.to/2LJCUuO
Didiplis diandra https://amzn.to/2LJj4j2
Rotala rotundifolia (indica) https://amzn.to/2JbzLFF
Dwarf hairgrass https://amzn.to/2sjG2W1


Erik Satie
Gymnopedie no.1 (Harp arr.) played by Peter J
Gymnopedie 3,2,1: played by Kevin Macleod
Top 10 Most Expensive and Rare LAMBORGHINI all of time Top 10 Most Expensive and Rare LAMBORGHINI all of time

#10: 1997 Lamborghini Diablo GT1 Stradale

Price 1 million US dollars.
Only 2 total examples of the Diablo GT1 were produced.
In 1996, Automobili Lamborghini S.P.A contacted SAT in France to design and build a race version of the Diablo to be able to compete in the GT championships,
much like the Porsche GT1 from 1997.
Powering the Diablo GT1 is Lamborghini’s naturally aspirated V-12, bumped up to 655 horsepower.
The car accelerates from 0–62 mph in 3.0 seconds and a top speed of 217 mph.

#9: 2006 Lamborghini Concept S

Price 1.32 million US dollars.
Only 2 total examples of the Lamborghini Concept S were produced.
The Lamborghini Concept S is a concept car based on the Gallardo, It was built in 2005 and was first shown at that year's Geneva Motor Show.

#8: 2008 Lamborghini Reventon

Price 1.37 million US dollars.
The Lamborghini Reventón is a mid-engine sports car that debuted at the 2007 Frankfurt Motor Show.
Only 20 total examples of the Reventón were produced, with one additional car produced for the Lamborghini museum.
The engine is the same taken from the Murciélago 6.5 liter V12 now upgraded to 650 PS.
The car accelerates from 0 to 60 mph in 3.4 seconds and a maximum speed of 221 mph.

#7: 2017 Lamborghini Centenario

Price 1.9 million US dollars.
Only 40 total examples of the Centenario were produced (20 coupes and 20 roadsters)
The Centenario was unveiled at the 2016 Geneva Motor Show to commemorate the 100th birthday of the company's founder, Ferruccio Lamborghini.
Powering the Centenario is Lamborghini’s naturally aspirated V-12, bumped up to 759 horsepower and 509 lb-ft of torque.
The car accelerates from 0–62 mph in 2.8 seconds, 0–186 mph in 23.5 seconds and has a top speed of 217 mph.

#6: 2012 Lamborghini Aventador J

Price 2.8 million US dollars.
There is only one of them, no prototypes and no others for the Lamborghini Museum.
Lamborghini unveiled the Aventador J to the world at the 2012 Geneva Motor Show.
Just like the standard Aventador, the one-off J version has been powered by a 6.5-liter V12 engine that is capable of delivering a total of 700 HP.
Lamborghini has decided to drop the top speed from 217 to 186 mph to keep those safety standards at a high quality.

#5: 2012 Lamborghini Sesto Elemento

Price 2.95 million US dollars.
Only 20 total examples of the Sesto Elemento were produced.
The Lamborghini Sesto Elemento is a high-performance limited edition lightweight track-only car, which debuted at the 2010 Paris Motor Show.
The Sesto Elemento is equipped with a 6-speed semi-automatic transmission and an all-wheel-drive system mated to a 5.2-liter V10 engine.
Lamborghini claims a 0–62 mph acceleration time of 2.5 seconds, 0–124 mph time of 8.0 seconds, and a top speed of 221 mph.

#4: 2020 Lamborghini Sian FKP 37

Price 3.6 million US dollars.
Production of the Sian will be limited to 63 units.
The Lamborghini Sian FKP 37 is a mid-engine hybrid sports car that debuted at the 2019 Frankfurt Motor Show.
Based on the Lamborghini Aventador, the Sián shares its engine with the SVJ variant of the Aventador,
but an electric motor integrated into the gearbox adds another 34 hp to the power output.
The total power output amounts to 808 hp making the Sián the most powerful production Lamborghini automobile.
The car accelerates from 0–62 mph in 2.8 seconds and a top speed of 220 mph.

#3: 2014 Lamborghini Veneno

Price 4 million US dollars.
Only 14 total examples of the Veneno were produced (5 coupes and 9 roadsters)
It was introduced at the 2013 Geneva Motor Show.
The Lamborghini Veneno is a limited production high-performance sports car.
The car was developed to celebrate Lamborghini’s 50th anniversary.
The engine is a development of the Aventador 6.5-litre V12 and generates a power output of 750 HP and 509 lb-ft of torque.
The Veneno accelerates from 0 to 60 mph in 2.8 seconds and a top speed of 221 mph.

#2: 2019 Lamborghini SC18 Alston

Price 7 million US dollars.
Introduced in November 2018, the SC18 Alston is a track-focused one-off created for a customer under close collaboration with Lamborghini's motorsport division Squadra Corse.
The engine is a high-output variant of the Aventador's wonderful naturally aspirated V12, making 770 horsepower and 531 lb-ft of torque.
The car accelerates from 0–62 mph in 2.8 seconds and a top speed of 217 mph.

#1: 2013 Lamborghini Egoista

Price 117 million US dollars.
Let me clarify. The Egoista is not for sale. There has only ever been one built and that's the point.
The only possible way would be to buy the company itself which audi bought on 1998 for 117 million USD.
That price will definitely be higher in 2020.
My FB: https://www.facebook.com/maiyeuhang
Thank for watching !!!
#PDevolution #Lamborghini