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Unser täglich Brot: Was steckt drin? | Faszination Wissen | Doku | BR
Die Deutschen lieben Brot. Hierzulande gibt es 3.000 verschiedene Brotsorten. Nirgendwo auf der Welt findet man mehr. Wie backen kleine Bäcker und Großbäckereien heutzutage, wenn die Qualität und das Aussehen immer gleich gut sein müssen? Autorin: Monika Eder.
Mehr Wissen gibt's unter:
Leckere Brötchen einfach selber backen - DDR-Brötchen - German Rolls
Hier könnt Ihr sehen, wie man ganz einfach die leckersten Frühstücksbrötchen selber backen kann. Die Zutaten sind absolut preiswert. Das einzige, was Ihr investieren müsst, ist: Zeit! Viel Spaß beim Nachbacken und schreibt mir gern Eure Erfahrungen und Anregungen in den Kommentaren! Ist unser erstes Video im neuen Kanal...
Rezept bei Bäcker Süpke:
Variante 1 (16 Brötchen):
- 1 kg Mehl 550 (35 ounces flour)
- 600-650ml Wasser (22 ounces warm water)
- 25g Hefe (1 ounce yeast)
- 5g Zucker (1/4 ounce or 1 teaspoon sugar)
- 20g Salz (1 tablespoon salt)
- 15g Butter (1/2 ounce butter)
Variante 2 (16 Brötchen):
- 1 kg Mehl 550
- 600..650ml Wasser
- 42g Hefe
- 5g Zucker
- 20g Salz
Für die Videoaufnahme habe ich benutzt:
Kamera Sony DSC-HX50: *
* = Affiliate Links (Bei diesen Links handelt es sich um Affiliate Links. Solltest du über diesen Link etwas kaufen, unterstützt du dadurch meine Arbeit, ohne das es dich einen Cent mehr kostet.)
Cop Calling Karen
As the Cart Narcs resume our patrols, be assured that we are using face masks, sanitizing each cart we touch, and keeping a six foot distance from all lazybones.
It seems this lady, in her fashionable jeans, needs a refresher on the proper use of the 911 emergency system.
You're Pretty Brave
The Cart Narcs are wearing face coverings, sanitizing each cart we touch, and staying at least six feet away from all Lazybones.
Thanks to this gentleman for correcting his actions after directly witnessing the destructive nature of loose carts.
Honky Guy
This #CartNarcsClassic was before the current distancing advisories, and before we had our cool bumper magnets.
By the way, the only place that is "pretty secure" is the cart return.
Merch at
Looking for Trouble?
This #CartNarcsClassic was from a time before the Cart Narcs had their excellent bumper magnets. We thank this lady for her polite and mature cooperation.
Texas is Messy
This portly gentleman makes a criminal threat against the Cart Narcs' Texas Division Chief, Agent Cordell. Please don't worry, Narceteers, he is OK.
Merch at
Busy Mom
The Cart Narcs are wearing face coverings, sanitizing each cart we touch, and staying at least six feet away from all lazybones.
Thanks to our high-level training, we were able to disarm this woman's feeble attempts at excuses.
Staten Island
The Cart Narcs are wearing face coverings, sanitizing each cart we touch, and staying at least six feet away from all lazybones.
Agent Vinny Cartarini encounters a gentleman who keeps asking questions to which he apparently doesn't want the answer.
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